About the Hotel

The conference will take place at the Hilton Miami Downton, located at 1601 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, Florida, 33132, USA.

We highly encourage you to book your hotel room within the IOA room block at the Hilton Miami Downtown and take advantage of our special discounts, great amenities, and convenient access to the conference. Booking at the conference hotel within the room block supports IOA and keeps registration rates low. If you need to book your hotel room with the government room rate, please contact the hotel directly. 

If we don’t fill a certain number of hotel rooms, IOA must pay penalties to cover the cost of unused rooms. Have peace of mind knowing that you have a reservation at the official IOA Conference hotel at a discounted rate and protection in the event the hotel has oversold guest rooms.

Book Your Room by 10 March 2025
US Federal Employees Book Your Room

There are a limited number of rooms available at the federal employee per diem rate.

If you have any questions, please email the IOA Office.

Travel from the Airport

  • Miami International Airport | 5 miles
  • Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International | 24 miles
  • Palm Beach International Airport | 61 miles